Khayelitsha is one of the fastest-growing communities located in South Africa. The increase in population has resulted in overcrowding, high crime rates, drug use, and violence, creating an unsafe community. Khayelitsha is considered to be one of the poorest areas in Cape Town, and the average family income is around $1,872 a year.
A normal living situation for a citizen in Khayelitsha would be considered a shack, made of wood, cardboard, and sheet metal. These small-scale shacks sometimes house over six people at a time and are built very close to one another. The compact living spaces can lead to dangerous situations, like house fires ruining numerous shacks and all their belongings at a time.
Aside from the daily lifestyle struggles citizen of Khayelitsha have to face, they also have to worry about crime and violence. Statistics say an average of 4 people are murdered each weekend, and Khayelitsha has one of the highest crime rates in South Africa.
Khayelitsha is a community that is made up of strong, hardworking citizens, who are willing to do whatever is necessary to improve the status of their living situations. With the community's determination, and the help of organizations Khayelitsha has the potential to become an overall more successful community.
Would you be able to live in Khayelitsha?